This course is a foundational study that deals with the establishment and defense of the Christian faith in light of other religious thought.

Text Book:
A Ready Defense
Edition: (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 9780840744197

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This course is an exploration of the scriptural and theological foundations for individual and corporate praise and worship. Various styles and formats of worship are discussed in both historical and contemporary settings.

Text Book:
The Reward of Worship
Edition: 2007
ISBN: 9780800794187

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This course will focus on the role of the preacher; their ability and the challenge of clearly communicating the message of Jesus Christ to a continually changing culture.

Text Book:
Preaching to a Post Everything World
Edition: Eswine - (2008)
ISBN: 9780801091940

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This is a study of the practical aspects of pastoral ministry focusing on the pastor's call, preaching, teaching, church and community life.

Text Book:
Shepherding the Church
Edition: Stowell (1997)
ISBN: 9780802478214

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This course is a general introduction to the first five books of the Bible. The study will address the doctrine and nature of creation, the nature of sin and redemption, the importance of holiness in life and worship, and the priority of God's covenant with individuals and the nation of Israel.

Text Book:
Encountering the O.T.
Edition: Arnold and Beyer
ISBN: 9780801049538

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This course will serve as a study of Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.

Text Book:
Encountering the O.T
Edition: 3rd
ISBN: 9780801049538

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This course is a study of the various issues in the Corinthian church and how these principles apply to the 21st church.

Text Book:
I & II Corinthians (Logion)
Edition: Stanley Horton
ISBN: 9780882438535

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A theological and practical study of the wide-ranging daily life issues of running a church focusing on organizational, financial, legal, and relational issues.

Text Book:

Leadership Handbook on Mgmt. & Administration
Edition: James Berkley (2007)
ISBN: 9780801068140

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